You may remember the rag muffin wheaton Scottie we were able to help rescue this year. It appears he's not doing well. Apparently he's had to get a few outside jobs to make ends meet. He now has part-time employment as 'Batman', 'The Dread Pirate Roberts' and has some leaf cleaning chores. It has been brought to our attention that everyone who meets Duffy wants to take him away from this life of hard work. Even a gentleman who is close to the new keepers has taken to making up stories just to get him home with him. Its a shame... a real shame.
What a hard life he has. Poor Poor little guy.
Sally Ann
I'm so glad you were teasing - I was starting to get teary.
Life is Rrrruff, huh?
Happy Turkey Day!
I think these pics belong in the category, "Why Dogs Hate Their Owners"... hahahaha
This made me smile...what a wonderful doggie,he should be on the stage...woof!!!...the lodger would not put up with those costumes...he would only keep his halloween horns on for the 2 seconds it took to photograph him...xx
thank you for making me smile today! x
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